Fighting for Survival: Israel’s Counterterrorism Strategy

December 12, 2023 00:29:27
Fighting for Survival: Israel’s Counterterrorism Strategy
Irregular Warfare Podcast
Fighting for Survival: Israel’s Counterterrorism Strategy

Dec 12 2023 | 00:29:27


Show Notes

Be sure to visit the Irregular Warfare Initiative website to see all of the new articles, podcast episodes, and other content the IWI team is publishing!

In the first installment of a three-part miniseries on irregular warfare in Israel, we turn our attention to Israel’s counterterrorism strategy. We begin by overviewing the phases of this strategy before discussing the adaptation of terrorist tactics, how counterterrorism strategy evolves to address that adaptation, and what we are now witnessing as an evolution of cognitive warfare. Our guest is retired Colonel Miri Eisin. During her twenty years in the Israel Defense Forces, she served as an intelligence officer in combat units, assistant to the director of military intelligence, and deputy head of the Combat Intelligence Corps. Miri now serves as the director of the Reichman University’s International Institute for Counterterrorism.


Intro music: "Unsilenced" by Ketsa

Outro music: "Launch" by Ketsa


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