Two Sides of the COIN: Good Governance vs. Compellence

January 01, 2022 00:44:19
Two Sides of the COIN: Good Governance vs. Compellence
Irregular Warfare Podcast
Two Sides of the COIN: Good Governance vs. Compellence

Jan 01 2022 | 00:44:19


Show Notes

In counterinsurgency warfare, how can powerful states reform corrupt or repressive governments into legitimate ones? Our guests on this episode, Jacqueline L. Hazelton and Anne-Marie Slaughter, discuss this fundamental challenge and explain two competing models of counterinsurgency that take different approaches to it. The first is the good governance model, which has dominated both scholarship and COIN practice over recent decades. But the second, the compellence model, might actually better explain COIN success in the past. The discussion concludes with a reflection on both the opportunities and the limits of US power in potential future interventions.

Intro music: "Unsilenced" by Ketsa

Outro music: "Launch" by Ketsa


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