Latest Episodes

Who's Watching the Watchmen? Congressional Oversight of Irregular Warfare
Be sure to visit the Irregular Warfare Initiative website to see all of the new articles, podcast episodes, and other content the IWI team...

Hindsight and Foresight: A Twenty-Year Retrospective on Irregular Warfare and Counterinsurgency
Be sure to visit the Irregular Warfare Initiative website to see all of the new articles, podcast episodes, and other content the IWI team...

The Rise of Digital Repression: How Technology is Reshaping Power, Politics, and Resistance
Be sure to visit the Irregular Warfare Initiative website to see all of the new articles, podcast episodes, and other content the IWI team...

Treating or Feeding the Disease? Elite Capture of the Security Sector
Be sure to visit the Irregular Warfare Initiative website to see all of the new articles, podcast episodes, and other content the IWI team...

Proxy Warfare, Theory and Practice
Why do states engage in proxy warfare? How does what scholars call principal-agent theory explain the way proxy warfare actually plays out—particularly the challenges...

Securing the Cyber Domain: Exploring Cyber Policy in the Department of Defense
Be sure to visit the Irregular Warfare Initiative website to see all of the new articles, podcast episodes, and other content the IWI team...